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Gold BIOTIN Premix is designed to meet the average needs of efficient animals with its vitamin, mineral, and amino acid composition. Gold Biotin delivers all the features expected from a premix, especially for high-performance animals. The key feature of this premix is vitamin B7, also known as biotin. This premix composition aims to provide ample biotin, ensuring it becomes functional with supportive elements for the organism. Biotin activates enzymes necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism and plays a role in regulating blood sugar levels. It also significantly contributes to the nervous system and DNA production. In animals, biotin is especially beneficial for the health of nails, fur, hair, and horns, as these structures are composed of keratin—a protein that the body must synthesize on its own and cannot be supplied through enteral or parenteral means. Biotin is a crucial compound in keratin synthesis, making Gold Biotin Premix indispensable for healthy nails, shiny fur, and elastic skin, in addition to its other benefits.


It can exist in retinol and acetate forms. It plays a crucial role in tissue formation and structuring, particularly in the immune system, and is especially effective for eye health. Its deficiency can lead to amaurosis (night blindness) and growth and development delays. 


Usually used in the cholecalciferol form. It regulates the absorption of calcium and phosphorus from the intestines, playing a significant role in the development, improvement, and stabilization of bone tissue. Its deficiency can cause rickets. 


Known as tocopherol. It is the best antioxidant and plays a crucial role in the formation of blood tissues by affecting the thymus gland, promoting the development of the immune system. Due to these properties, it is beneficial in fertility, and reducing the frequency of retention and mastitis. Its deficiency can lead to white muscle disease in poultry, encephalomalacia, anemia, reproductive disorders, infertility, and an increased risk of infections.


Thiamine plays a role in the conversion of carbohydrates into energy. It is effective in stimulating appetite. Its deficiency can lead to neurological symptoms, particularly muscle stiffness in the hind leg muscles, neck flexion, balance issues, Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome, and beriberi


Known as niacin or nicotinic acid. It is necessary for the metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and is involved in the formation and function of the nervous system and sex hormones. It plays an active role in milk production. Its deficiency can result in neurological and digestive disorders and pellagra 


Known as calcium pantothenate or pantothenic acid. It plays a vital role in the conversion of food into energy in the gastrointestinal system and in steroid production. It can be described as an anti-stress vitamin. It is involved in vitamin D and antibody production. Its deficiency can affect the entire organism, leading to skin inflammations, nerve communication disorders, hair loss around the mouth and eyes, growth retardation, and weakness 


Also known as Biotin or Vitamin H. It ensures the development of hair, nails, and horns to be lively, shiny, and durable. This vitamin is necessary for the body to produce keratin. Deficiency can cause deterioration in the quality and structure of hair, nails, and horns, decreased milk yield, and alopecia 


Also known as Folic Acid. It is involved in the production of blood cells, cell growth and division, immune system function, fetal development in pregnant women, and the nervous system. It is also involved in amino acid and protein synthesis. Deficiency can lead to weight loss, lack of appetite, macrocytic anemia, increased skin and hair problems, and susceptibility to infections. 


Also known as Choline Chloride. Choline works with vitamins B9 and B12 in burning body fats and is effective for the functioning of the heart and brain. Although it is part of the B vitamin group, it is not classified as a B vitamin. It plays an important role in the treatment of liver fatty degeneration, milk fever, and ketosis. Deficiency can lead to liver fatty degeneration, perosis, developmental and reproductive regression, and malformations 


Part of the structure of enzymes. It is involved in sexual cycles, connective tissue formation, cartilage development, blood coagulation, and bone growth. It plays a role in the formation of brain nerve tissues. Deficiency can lead to embryonic deaths, abnormal spermatogenesis, growth disorders, limb deformities, and reproductive disorders. 


Plays a role in many functions throughout the body. Zinc is present in every cell. Organs that require this mineral include the heart, brain, and reproductive system. It is also effective in the health and development of skin and hair. Deficiency can lead to impaired epithelial development, testicular atrophy, developmental delays, weakness in hair, reproductive disorders, parakeratosis (epithelial keratinization), and delayed wound healing.


Essential for the production of hemoglobin (red blood cells), myoglobin (muscle pigment), and enzymes. Deficiency can lead to aplastic anemia, decreased growth, and loss of appetite. Iron also enhances the utilization of B vitamins in tissues 


Plays a role in thyroid function (T3, T4). It is important for energy metabolism and weight gain. Deficiency can result in weak, lethargic, or stillborn hairless offspring, coordination disorders, protein and fat metabolism slowdown, and reproductive issues. It has significant effects in the treatment of actinomycosis. The most effective way to prevent deficiency is through the use of licking blocks. 


Used in the form of sulfate or chloride salts. It is involved in the synthesis of B12 and plays important roles in preventing anemia and in the functioning of rumen metabolism. It stimulates appetite. Meeting its requirements with licking blocks is a suitable method. Deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia, severe loss of appetite, and regression and weakness in all productivity areas 


Works alongside Vitamin E as an antioxidant and cell protector. It is important for normal fertilization and development. It provides cellular and fluid immunity and works in synergy with Vitamin E. Selenium is essential for maintaining tissue elasticity. Deficiency can lead to various diseases, including muscle disorders, encephalomalacia, white muscle disease, retention, and bone marrow disorders. 


Plays an important role in the synthesis of hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. It stimulates the body in terms of antiviral activity. It strengthens the immune system and supports muscle and bone health. L-lysine supplementation helps in the absorption of calcium, iron, and zinc, and is involved in the synthesis of carnitine. DEFICIENCY: Without sufficient lysine, the absorption of vitamins decreases, and collagen formation is inhibited. Enzyme disorders and growth retardation may occur. 


Increases both milk protein and fat content, thereby enhancing milk yield in lactating ruminants. It is especially essential for rapid growth, feather development, and egg production in broilers. Methionine is necessary for tissue growth, tissue metabolism repair, and detoxification reactions. It is essential for the normal growth and repair of body tissues and aids in egg development and maturation in ovaries. In males, it is crucial for sperm production. Sulfur-containing amino acids (methionine, cystine, and cysteine) are essential for the hardness and durability of nails.


Bentonite or montmorillonite are minerals with high ion exchange capacity. Bentonite protects animal health by binding certain mycotoxins (fungal toxins). This reduces the absorption of toxins in feed and prevents negative health effects.


Flavors enhance the palatability of feeds, encouraging animals to consume them more eagerly. Delicious and attractive flavors can increase feed intake, improving nutritional patterns and overall health. In new environments or stressful situations (such as moving or illness), flavors help animals find the feed more appealing, aiding in stress management. Making feeds more palatable encourages animals to obtain necessary nutrients, which is especially important for young and growing animals. 


Plays an important role in the conversion of sugar in the blood to energy. It increases the dry matter in milk. It acts as a buffer in rumen acidosis. It is necessary for the effective utilization of Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and potassium. Deficiency can lead to grass tetany (hypomagnesemia), causing a slowdown in rumen movements and milk production 


Necessary for bone and tooth structure, heart rhythm, and normal kidney functions. It plays a role in calcium balance during bone and offspring development in animals. Deficiency can result in developmental disorders and issues with dental and calcium metabolism. 


This mineral is largely found in bones and is involved in all functions within the body. It plays a vital role in milk production, nerve transmission, bone development, and all types of transitions across cell membranes. Deficiency can lead to milk fever, parturient paresis, a metabolic disease known as hypocalcemia, and developmental delays.

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The Gold Premix group is designed to supply the vitamin, mineral, and amino acid components required by high-performance animal breeds. Natural feeding may not be sufficient for optimal performance in cultured breeds; thus, high-energy and high-protein concentrates are preferred. Achieving the targeted performance depends on the presence of components in the digestive system, such as enzymes and hormones, as well as in meat, milk, offspring, wool, or fiber structures. When used with a good feed ration, Gold premixes are capable of providing all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for the desired performance. Vitamins and trace minerals, especially those active in enzyme and hormone structures, are carefully selected based on academic knowledge and included in the composition. These products, used for many years, are continuously updated in light of new scientific developments.