Gold FERTIL Premix is designed to meet the average needs of productive animals with its vitamin and mineral composition. This premix offers all the features necessary to enhance the combined efficiency for high-performance animals. It particularly includes essential hormone and enzyme components needed during the estrus cycle and spermatogenesis. Additionally, it supports the rapid involution of the uterus and endometrial shrinkage, makes estrus symptoms more observable, and improves fertility. It plays a crucial role in addressing infertility and anestrus cases linked to vitamin E deficiency. Vitamin E supports the fertilization process by ensuring the health of sperm and eggs. Gold FERTIL contains the necessary vitamins and minerals for healthy, mature ova (eggs) and viable, strong, and long-lived sperm. When used as recommended for one month in high-performance animals, it can provide significant positive changes in estrus symptoms and infertility rates.
The Gold Premix group is designed to supply the vitamin, mineral, and amino acid components required by high-performance animal breeds. Natural feeding may not be sufficient for optimal performance in cultured breeds; therefore, high-energy and high-protein concentrates are preferred. Achieving targeted performance depends on the presence of components in the digestive system, such as enzymes and hormones, as well as in meat, milk, offspring, wool, or fiber structures. When used with a good feed ration, Gold premixes are capable of providing all the necessary vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for the desired performance. Vitamins and trace minerals, especially those active in enzyme and hormone structures, are carefully selected based on academic knowledge and included in the composition. These products, used for many years, are continuously updated in light of new scientific developments.