Rex COMBINE Premix is a combined premix enriched with essential vitamins such as A, D3, E, and B3. If the nutritional needs are not extremely high, it may not require routine parenteral vitamin supplements. It contains the necessary trace minerals in the required amounts for all commonly productive animal breeds. This premix has shown positive results in various operations focused on meat production, such as sheep and goat feeding and beef cattle raising, and it can also be used successfully in dairy operations. When used continuously, it benefits all animals in the stable. It is successfully used in family farms regardless of the animal breed or productivity type. Its aroma stimulates appetite, and the minerals in the composition help maintain stomach pH balance. The trace minerals are sufficient in terms of essential micronutrients. It contains several easily ionizable electrolyte sources that help maintain electrolyte balance, leading to rapid and effective productivity. This composition supports healthy, productive animals with high mental strength and immune systems, and it enhances feed utilization, helping achieve the expected productivity.